


The well proven diagram-to-code technology of Embed Tool helps shorten your design & development time drastically while increasing product consistency and quality. Embed also provides a much sought-after State Charts to Auto-code generation capability.


The core product of the suite, sT Embed, is a highly efficient and comprehensive model-based embedded systems development tool which allows creation of quick prototypes of any dynamic system by going from Control Diagrams to auto-generated C-code ready to be ported onto target hardware. SolidThinking Embed is an award winning graphical block diagram language for modeling and simulation of complex dynamic systems. Keywords: # Auto-Code Generation, Digital Control Systems, Digital Motor Controls, Digital Power, HIL, Electric Drives, Robotics, Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Vehicles, Digital Battery Management Systems, State Charts, Texas Instruments C2000, Delfino, Piccolo, Texas Instruments MSP430, ARDUINO, Raspberry Pi,STM32F4, ARM CortexM3, Instaspin, Motorware.


SolidThinking Embed – Visual Environment for Model Based Embedded Systems Design
